Previous Posts about Nelson Mandela

[youtube=] In the day since Nelson Mandela died, I looked into my archives of the blog and realized that I had written about the man known the world over as Madiba before.

A lot.

Here are links to some of my earlier posts about the late, great South African leader:

*On Nelson Mandela's Hospitalization and the State of South African society. Dec 5, 2012

*Happy 93rd Birthday, Nelson Mandela. July 18, 2011

*Nelson Mandela's Conversations with Himself. October 14, 2010

*Invictus and the Love of Country. May 23, 2010

*Fatima Meer on Nelson Mandela. March 12, 2010

*John Carlin's Playing the Enemy the Basis for Invictus Dec. 6, 2009 Includes an excellent comment by friend Dany Fleming.

*Nelson Mandela turns 91 Years Old July 20, 2009